Black Eagle (1988) – Sho Kosugi and Jean-Claude Van Damme

This is one of Jean-Claude Van Damme‘s first movies – it was released just a few months after Bloodsport, in 1988. But Sho Kosugi is the real focus of this movie – Van Damme is only a supporting cast member.

The plot is very basic – it’s like a thinned-out very early James Bond movie with less of a star and less of a script. Still, it’s not unentertaining – it is Watchable, once in a blue moon. It’s mildly entertaining if you’re terribly bored and lack anything better to do or watch.

Sho Kosugi’s real sons (Kane & Shane) also take key roles, as his kidnapped sons in this movie.

Van Damme plays a Russian secret agent with slick back hair and a very similar demeanour to his character in No Retreat, No Surrender.

Sho Kosugi plays the CIA’s best secret agent, tasked with recovering weapons technology from an underwater plane wreckage in Malta. The Russians are trying to beat him to it.