Best Of The Best (1989) – Eric Roberts and Phillip Rhee

While the concept of this movie was decent, and the main script features had potential, the execution was poor to say the least. The actors weren’t terrible but the script detail and sound effects were barely existent. There were a few would-be momentous moments, but they were built so badly they’re anticlimactic, even cheesy, near satirical, David Brent style. While the opening was messy at best, and I was consistently tempted to switch off within the first 10 minutes, I was recommended this movie by a friend who also recommended some good ones, so I gave it the benefit of the doubt and kept watching patiently. Fortunately, the plot did start to get interesting as the movie developed, so I would call it a watchable movie, but I’m in no hurry to rewatch it this year, this decade, possibly even this lifetime unless I feel the need to review the sequels in which case I may start by rewatching the original.

The lead characters in Best Of The Best include Eric Roberts (brother of Julia Roberts) and Phillip Rhee (a Korean martial artist, therefore quite fitting for this movie which has a Korean Taekwondo theme). Their acting isn’t terrible, however Eric’s true martial arts acumen is clearly weak or non existent, and the camerawork and stuntmen try to make up for this which results in an experience that’s hard for a real martial artist to appreciate. Maybe he’s a grower, and people who were brought up on his movies come to appreciate his acting even if he’s clearly not a credible fighter, a bit like Liam Neeson? Phillip Rhee is a poorer actor than Eric Roberts, but gives it a decent effort and has genuinely strong Tae Kwon Do skills which make some more convincing fight scenes.

All in all, this movie is mediocre by today’s standards, and doesn’t come close to competing with the best movies of the 80s either. It’s more fitting for an old kids’ action TV series, like an episode of the Power Rangers which has a similar level of weak screenplay and cheesy near-satirical acting but can still constitute light entertainment when you’re bored.

If you enjoyed this movie, you may be pleased to learn there are several sequels. Eric and Phillip both return in Best of the Best 2 (1993), then Eric doesn’t return again but Philip stays on to star in the third and fourth movies of the series (released in 1995 and 1998 respectively).

The Specialist (1994) – Sylvester Stallone and Sharon Stone

Not a bad movie, starring Sylvester Stallone a CIA explosives expert turned mercenary for hire on the free market, and Sharon Stone as the woman who hires him. They both put on fine performances as expected, although the plot is a bit thin and steamy. Supporting actors include James Woods and Eric Roberts who both do decent jobs as the two main bad guys in this movie, both reporting to the mafia boss played by Rod Steiger who does an average job with a terribly fake sounding accent.

The movie’s mood is slow but captivating, and the action is intermittent but of a fairly high standard – overall it kind of works. With grand musical effects it has vibes of an old Bond movie just without the fancy plot – this one’s very one-dimensional but still an enjoyable watch if you’re not too busy and haven’t seen this movie in the last decade or so.